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Why Should Designers Learn Maker Skills?

The Maker Movement has been picking up the pace like never before. With the constant evolution of technology and the increased use of the internet; everything you want to learn is just a click away. Talking of the same, it is been noticed that the ‘maker movement’ is...

How Makers Culture Drives Entrepreneurship

According to a report published by Inc in 2018, the entrepreneurship index in the United States is booming with more and more people coming forward to start up their own venture. The entrepreneurship rate in 2018 was highest at 6.4 percent, which means that  15.8...

What is an Arduino?

Introduction Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that...


Welcome!   Welcome to Find Me, The interactive fictional book. Our purpose is to provide a space of reflection for people to help them recognize their feelings and embrace memories in an empowering way. “Find Me” is an experience that will allow you...